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Posted on Apr 30, 2016 in Blog, Photography | 0 comments

Enjoying Photography

Enjoying Photography

Photography is a great way to express ourselves, be creative, and show off. When you buy a new camera, photography seems like the most fun thing to do with your time, but unfortunately this feeling goes away over time. It’s easy to become disheartened when you compare yourself to other photographers, or you simply don’t see your photos improving, but I for one believe that it should always be fun. Here are some techniques I’ve found which made photography fun again for me.

Take on a Photography Project

Photography projects are a good way to learn and enjoy photography, but there’s one aspect which makes them really great.

They focus your attention, and they inspire you.

Attention and inspiration is a problem every photographer faces, which is why we can find photography boring.

When you have a project to guide you into taking specific photos, you can produce great results without really having to worry about attention or inspiration.

Make Photography Secondary

Just bring your camera along, that’s all.

Say you’re going out for a walk in the country, then just sling it over your shoulder when you leave the house. It doesn’t take much.

Don’t let it be the focus of your walk, forcing yourself to take photos. Just have it with you incase you see anything you want to take a photo of.

That way, there’s no stress of pressure involved, and you can relax.

You’ll find that you only take a handful of photos, but these photos will be of a lot better standard than the hundreds of photos you may have taken instead.

I nearly always carry a camera on me (not including my phone), because it allows me to think like a photographer at all times and spot potential in everything. It helps to train my eyes, and there’s no pressure to actually use it.

Try it, you might enjoy it.

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