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Posted on Apr 29, 2016 in Blog, Meditation | 0 comments

5-Minute Meditation

5-Minute Meditation

Some days it feels like the to-do list never ends. And despite your best efforts to concentrate and cross things off one at a time, you feel pulled in a million different directions and unable to focus.

With so much on your plate, meditation might seem like the last thing you have time to do. But this guided meditation takes just five minutes. Yep, in less time than it takes to scroll through your Instagram feed, you’ll tap into your inner calm so you can tackle the rest of the day feeling relaxed and focused.

All you need is some peace and quiet and a comfortable place to sit. Surrounded by chaos? Simply plug in some headphones. You don’t even need to watch this video—just close your eyes, follow along with the audio cues, and remember to breathe.

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